Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stupid naming conventions/nomenclature !

When I'm looking through the various forums, trying to see if anyone has posted a thread that explains a problem they're having or just a question they're looking to find an answer for? Call me old fashioned (hell even that phrase sounds dated), but if you posted a question of "Why is X happening" ? Or "Made a whatever batch, but it's doing Y" ? Then I'm likely to answer it if I can offer something to point you in the right direction or maybe suggest how to work out what might be going on.

If you post "Stonehenge, the Mystery Brew", I'm not even gonna read your post. I don't want to read about new age weirdness. I want to try and be of help if I can, I like to try and be helpful. There's too much shit around where people or organisations want to charge for or sell knowledge. I'm very "open source" with my attitude toward knowledge. But if you start with naming your brews, with idiotic names, then fuck it, I can't be bothered to read through a load of "fairy story mumbo jumbo" to try and understand what the problem might be.

There's a few people over at Gotmead, that like to do that, presumably because they like to demonstrate their "right on", hippy credentials. Sorry, I just find that all too damn pretentious. Just tell me the type of brew you're trying to make and if I have something to add, I'll happily do so.

Call it something fucking stupid and bollocks, I won't even bother to read the post. I don't believe in all the so called mystical crap. There's no such thing as a fucking Druid, there might have been but they were likely just religious shamen types and the Romans wasted them all 2 millenia ago, with just historical and cultural references to them. There is no "magic". All the stuff that those wankers come up with at Stonehenge at the summer and winter solstices is just a lot of shit. All thought up by the pretentious pricks who take part in such nonsense.

So just ask me about meads but use sensible, practical descriptions of what you are doing/making and what you want to know, then no snags, if I can help, I will. Ask me about the other kind of shit and I'll likely just walk........


Anonymous said...

No Elders Blood Brochetomel for you Bloke :):) Hey, they get dressed up, lucky if they dont cut themselves with the broadsword and drink a lot of mead even if its the only time of the year they get to do it and if they are lucky get to fornicate in the woods:) My only problem on Druid days is the poison ivy on me bollocks :) JMVW

Anonymous said...

That's my point. I don't worry or care what someone's motivations are for wanting to make some mead, it's just all the airey fairey nonsense that comes from ren fayres or druid stuff.

The actor bloke had it right when he did "Robin Hood. Men in Tights" (Mel Brookes ? ). Most people got the main jokes/humour but the rest of the point went straight over their heads.

So much of what is, apparently, genuine, are just creations of the film/movie industry, with no foundation in truth.....

I just want to learn the best way to make good mead. And for "them" to call it what it is i.e. a whatever melomel or something, by type. They can put WTF on the labels to convince their friends of their own brilliance for all I care.......