Saturday, July 05, 2014

Yeast Nutrition.........

Not gonna go on about this, there's many ways you can actually provide nutrients etc for ferments, whether it's meads or wine batches.

I'm just gonna cheat a little and post a link to a post by Deezil, from the winemakingtalk forums.........

It's easier than me trying to re-write it into my language......

Oh, and there's more about it in the top link to your right. Except that is a linked article by the excellent and very knowledgeable Ken Schramm (yes, the bloke who wrote "The Compleat Meadmaker" book).........


Hive Mind Mead said...

I wonder if aeration adds accessible nitrogen to your batch (assuming you aren't pumping 100% Oxygen from a tank) and are adding air.

Fatbloke said...

Don't know, just that yeast is a little fussy, given that there's data out there that explains about the need to get inorganic nitrogen in before about the 1/3rd sugar break otherwise it's not taken up by the cells, though organic nitrogen (yeast hulls etc) is.

Getting it right is to do with expense, plus not adding so much that it either leaves off flavours or is available to other possible spoilage organisms.....